Thursday, May 17, 2007

Will I ever be done ..............

with all the unpacking? The first weekend we moved in we were gung ho and accomplished so much. Now that we have enough unpacked to live everyday the other stuff has been pushed to the side. I walk around the house and just see boxes of junk that I dont even know what to do with. I figure I will wait to finish when I am going thru my nesting period.
Poor Sheldon every time he leaves for a few days for work he comes home with more projects to do around the house.
I think someone should come visit me because that would motivate me to finish everything around the house.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I want to come over!!! I don't want to wait until after you have the baby...lets plan it!

I just found out that my cousin lives in your city. Her name is Julie Jenson. She has red hair and looks like me. Maybe she is in your stake?

I know what you mean about's the worst! I wish I was there to help you!