Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is that scale right?

Kellen had his 2 month appointment today - when they put him on the scale my jaw dropped open when it said 14 lbs 5 oz. I couldn't believe he has more than doubled in weight. He went from being in the 36 percentile to the 90%. I guess you just forget how fast they grow. He started to grow his hair back in the front so now it looks like he has a buzz cut. Both the nurse and doctor asked if I cut his hair.

Mekai has been busy with after school programs - she has been doing keyboarding/computer, mad science and soccer. It's so nice that she can walk to and from school - especially with the after school activities. I was thinking I should hold her back a year so she can still go to that school next year. I wonder if she will go for that. The middle school here is 6th-8th grade.

"It's not my fault" is Mekai's favorite phrase - I told her she owes me a dollar every time she says it. In one day she racked up $4.00. So if any of you hear her say it you have my permission to ask her for a dollar. I told her she needs to carry around one dollar bills - Sheldon didn't like that idea.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Yeah Me

Watch out biggest loser. I started a very low calorie - high protein diet on Tuesday. I worked hard all week and didn't cheat once - even with the bowls of Halloween candy in the house. It paid off though - I went on Monday to get weighed and had lost 10 pounds - in 6 days. I know it's a lot of water weight and the fact that I still have the baby weight to lose.

This is a doctor approved diet - on a daily basis I have 3 -4 protein shakes, 1 protein bar and then one meal with chicken and vegetable's and I also take lots of different vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium. I didn't work out too much because my body was going through detox and I felt pretty weak - I will definitely get more work outs in next week. Now I just need to get Kellen to take naps that last longer than 30 minutes.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Halloween felt like it lasted for 2 weeks - Mekai had so much going on and she actually was able to wear her costume about 5 times. These are pictures of the Halloween Parade at Mekai's school - I know can you believe it - her school let's the students dress up on Halloween, they have a Halloween Party (not a Harvest Party) and they got to do a parade around the field. We ended up going trick or treating with my brother (Adam) and his family in their neighborhood. The kids got so much candy - I am proud to say I haven't even eating one piece.