Friday, October 26, 2007

Trunk or Treat

Brooke (neighbor), Mekai, Katrina (cousin)

Tonight was our ward's Trunk or Treat. Mekai invited a neighbor and her cousins that live by us. We had everyone over at our house for dinner - we had pizza. Then we all went over to the church. They had games set up in the classrooms and then at 7:30 everyone gathered in the parking lot for the Trunk or Treat. All the kids went from car to car until everyone was out of candy - which took about 20 minutes.


Anonymous said...

so who is the cute witch in that picture -katrina had so much fun with you guys that weekend . Thanks for help with her soccer dawnrai

Anonymous said...

so who is the cute witch in that picture -katrina had so much fun with you guys that weekend . Thanks for help with her soccer dawnrai